Showing 3 Result(s)
Strong Leader

Breaking Patterns and Building New Mindsets

She was the office manager in an engineering firm. Every time something would break – whether a toilet or a fax machine – they would call out to her. “Betsy, the ____ is broken!” No request, just a statement. Quickly, she would arrive at the scene of the malfunction, ponder and repair the offending apparatus.   …

The Pot Roast Story – A Leadership Tale

Why do we do things the way that we do?  What was the initial source of those habits and methods?  And are they relevant today?  And why ask this question in the context of leadership? A brief story may help to explain this: A young woman is preparing a pot roast while her friend looks on.  …

Seeing “I” to “I”

Each of us has a human need to belong…to be a part of community. So we join fraternities, clubs, and groups of one sort or another, in our attempt to fill our most basic need for connection to others. And as leaders, our role in the group is to create “buy in” and to build …